Monday, December 18, 2023

The cow talk and I return to live in the country of my ancestors in India there all the cows are sacred, mayors, politicians free trips and it is not like here in Quebec and unionize

 The cow talk and I return to live in the country of my ancestors in India there all the cows are sacred, mayors, politicians free trips and it is not like here in Quebec and unionize as good civil servants that we are

The donkey is here in Quebec all the donkeys that we govern I decide and I remain and to be cow like a donkey

Monday, July 17, 2023

John Tory Toronto mind your damned business

 John Tory Toronto mind your damned business and sick of Quebec Bashing on secularism Judgment of the Superior Court of Ontario

Monday, July 3, 2023

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Samuel Charbonneau residing in Saint-Jérôme threw 71-year-old Jacques Bernier down the stairs adjacent to his home, causing his death

 Samuel Charbonneau residing in Saint-Jérôme threw 71-year-old Jacques Bernier down the stairs adjacent to his home, causing his death, behind bars for three years and while turning the lives of dozens of people upside down