Thursday, August 12, 2021

Father Olivier Marie From Fance Another Catholic priest, assassinated by an Islamist Muslim until we accept to be the slaves of Muslims and Islamists, this holy war of our masters

Father Olivier Marie From France Another Catholic priest, assassinated by an Islamist Muslim until we accept to be the slaves of Muslims and Islamists, this holy war of our masters

History repeats itself endlessly, Allah is there to help stay

The small town of Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre, the “holy town of Vendée '' is still full of prayer and meditation after the death of one of the figures of the Montfortains. The Catholics of France salute the memory of a priest who, guided by charity, fully lived his vocation as a missionary. 

Elsewhere, questions flock to the discovery of the path of the murderer of Father Olivier Maire. 

In the political world, the judas asleep under Islamic Muslim governance denounces the dysfunctions and inconsistencies of the administrative justice which prevented the removal of this man, however, ordered three times by the Ministry of the Interior.

Justice successfully sleeps with Muslims and Islamists and terrorists for the destruction of France, its Western and Christian culture.

Today is the apology marathon of our political class and let us hear like the usual refrain of empty speech, BLA BLA, BLA BLA, BLA, these rituals of apologies from our governments prerecorded and looping endlessly.

The priest Olivier Maire was found assassinated by a Muslim terrorist, Islamist, Monday, August 9, 2021, in Vendée in Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre.

The attention we are all walking on eggshells and do not want to inflame the Islamist Muslim communities of France our kings, and masters.  

We all owe French citizens humbly and courageously the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron for his tenacity in his Islamic crusade to destroy France, the French in Europe and around the world

Our Western leaders have betrayed us all, traitors in the service of the devil on the planet

Arrived on French soil in 2012, Emmanuel Abayisenga Muslim terrorist, an Islamist murderer of Father Olivier Marie, did everything to stay there. 

After two refusals of asylum requests, it was the Ministry of the Interior which three times took against it the famous, Obligation to leave French territory (OQTF) which nobody is concerned with whether the 'left our territory since it will be systemic racism, without ever succeeding in expelling the undocumented, we are all afraid of it, fear that our President of the Republic and his alcoholics will demote us or dismiss us from our posts. So it is better to sleep and let the water flow slowly and we will all forget this news item of our welcoming society.  

The height of the judicial organization, because he was the alleged arsonist of Nantes cathedral, his imprisonment in 2020 and then his judicial control prevented him from leaving France. 

The man is currently hospitalized with psychiatric disorders, his chaotic journey only worsening an already fragile mental health. 

From there to his being judged criminally irresponsible, nothing is less certain.

In the small town of Vendée bereaved by the assassination of Father Mayor

We mourn “a monument of the community”, “the soul of Saint-Laurent”. This “holy city of Vendée”, a high place of pilgrimage, even welcomed Jean-Paul II, who came to meditate at the tomb of the founder of the community of Father Olivier, Saint Louis-Marie Grignon de Monfort. 

No anger in the voices of the inhabitants. But astonishment, sorrow and hope for this priest who - in the opinion of all - fulfilled his vocation by welcoming the one who will become his murderer.

While some believe that charity has blinded the victim of the tragedy, the philosopher recalls that - if it should not dispense with prudence, this first virtue of the Christian faith, "can never go too far and allow itself to be murdered".

Bruno Retailleau himself knows Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre well, he was a student there. Touched by the death of a man whom he "knew well", he cannot see in this murder, a concentrate of all the sovereign deficiencies and of the State to protect the French when the President of the Republic literally sleeps with him. Muslims, Islamists, anti-Christian terrorists, non-integrated, non-integrated Western anti-value caused by the laxity of the President of the Republic and of our justice in the service of Islam. 

Now, for Senator LR of Vendée, instructs our leaders to correct the situation, modify the law and implement a migration policy worthy of the name without offending the Muslim and Islamist communities, they garnish our funds with political parties.

Wake up "A little common sense"

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