Monday, September 28, 2015

Canada 1970 PEACE - Canada Islamic 2015 WAR - Thanks to Justin Trudeau - Thomas Mulcair - Philippe Couillard and others sold canadians

Zunera Ishaq Persona non grata When their deportation to Pakistan they will never be CANADIAN

ZUNERA ISHAQ persona non grata in Canada

Persona non grata, the Latin meaning literally "person who is not welcome," abbreviated as PNG "Islam and Muslims in Canada," is a phrase used in diplomacy with a precise legal meaning as used in everyday language. It opposes persona grata (plural personae grata). Example Zunera Ishaq and all her families who refuses to remove their veil in front of CANADA, Canada must kneel to Pakistani.

It is Article 09 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations that defines a member of the diplomatic mission may be deemed unmotivated and strongly persona non grata, bringing his recall by the sending country or terminate his functions with the mission, as appropriate.

In everyday language, to say about this person, it is persona non grata returns to ostracize. Vulgarly, we use the
term migrant unwilling to integrate into the country of adoption and requiring religious accommodation and having the laws and customs of the adoptive country. In common speak of hecklers makers and disorders by building a new religion by destroying all democracies. This person thinks only of herself, narcissistic, selfish, religious superiority, by fucking citizens from the country in whose only drank the destruction of Western democracy.  Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair agree that Canadian are ignorant people and non patriotic.

Zunera Isahaq and my husband an Islamic Michoui tonight and will shit over all Canadadian again - I keep my veil and you will obey us Islam Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair agree - 90% Canadians disagree When their deportation to Pakistan

Sunday, September 27, 2015

DR Philippe Couillard meet Pope Francis with a Quebec poutine - Philippe made again a mistake the pope is not Jewish or Muslim he must be poutine

DR Philippe Couillard and Omar Khadr visit Pope Francis to Rome to give him the Koran Philippe Couillard Québec Edition

Dr Philippe Couillard and Lise Thériault (sex change) praying in the Mosque of Justin Trudeau in Montreal

Dr Philippe Couillard - Dr Yves Bolduc - Dr Gaétan Barrette - Carlos Leitao cutting hospital budget

DR Philippe Couillard and his daughter in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia with her ID card and her name is Mahammed Bachar el-Couillard princess of

Dr Gaétan Barrette harassed by the Federation of Physicians of Quebec

Cats converts to Islam and will distroy the earth

Cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte with the pope in Montreal

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Thomas Mulcair I have a plan let's go the Amazone Africana Philippe and stick a brain to Justin

Justin Trudeau - Thomas Mulcair - Philippe Couillard I got a plan - We are Moving - Let throw Thomas Mulcair overboard over the ocean - is not a good liberal like both of us, pur at 1% and honest ounce in a while

Justin Trudeau - Thomas Mulcair - Philippe Couillard Recycling

Forbidden to Muslims the Paradise - Warning God black list

Friday, September 25, 2015

Justin Trudeau or Thomas Mulcair or Kathleen of Ontario from Caca del al-Saoud

Thomas Mulcair jug made me lose the post of Prime Minister of Canada Bravo for the NIQAB - Justin I paid them

Thomas Mulcair Cucumbers are not always in pot says Zunera Ishaq

Justin Trudeau Got a brain surgery and the doctors found out Tweety the bird in his brain THat is the reason is so intelligent Allah is Great to the brain

Justin Trudeau et Adil Charkaoui We together Adil will distroy Canada Allah is Great $$$$$$ - I am your man in Ottawa - Nest week I will be at the Synagoque - After I will sell you to Hindous

Arabie Saoudite La Mecque 700 died muslams - Jesus Christ have Mercy as per The Holy Bible

Carlos Leitao Minister of finnce in Quebec he is pregnant again he demands more taxes for his wallets

Christy Clark Prime minister of BC asking meet Philippe Couillard Prime minister of Quebec How can I corrputed like you people says McLeans He brought all the tools how to sell his own people $$$$$$$

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

DR Philippe Couillard - Jean Charest - Francois Legault - A request to God from a Cat

Dr Gaétan Barrette - Stephen Harper - Francois Legault - Gerard Deltell The New and Improved Canadian chicken broth recipe in a Sauna bath

Jean Charest liberal - Pauline Marois Parti Québécois - André Boisclair on vacation down south - Monkies problems

Dr Gaétan Barrette Health minister in Quebec is on diet

Canadian Halal Hospital Greater Toronto Muslims Nurses waiting for sacrifice

Canada Post new Islamic mail box in BC

Carlos Leitao Minister of Finance in Quebec The NEW in Vitro of Income Taxe in Quebec - We will steel you all Government Couillard

Pierre Chicouine NDP candidate La Prairie Thomas Mulcair Where the Champlain Bridge In Nebraska

Kathleen Weil Minister Philippe Couillard and fundamentalist Justin Trudeau